Amigos Para Siempre

At the risk of sounding pretentious and phony (as usual), I'd like to take a moment and consider the importance of friends.  When I am near them, or can talk to them, they inspire me and give me strength.  I love them and feel loved in return.  They provide me with new insights to life, enable me to explore different facets of existence.  When they are away, they give me thyat twinkle of hope, the ray of sun on an overcast day.   I remember, sometimes suddenly enough to make me catch my breath, that these people exist, and that they mean so much to me and I to them.  Sometimes it makes me want to cry.  Or laugh.  Every perons on this list, without exception, has enriched my life, and I only hope they can and will say the same of me.  Some I see all the time, some . . . not quite as often.  But all have taken up permanent residence in the depths of my soul.  Friends, I carry you with me.   By the way, so as not to offend anyone, the following list is in completely random order.

Xylar Asay-Davis (Doctor X.)
    El Homepage de Xylar Asay-Davis

Andrea Nite Halley (Seeeeester!)

Neil Blankenship (Schmoe w/Stick) 
    I Had a Dream Last Night 

Zak Ficek (Fritzzzzzzzz)

Ryan Cunningham (Naked Man!)

Clare Ellsworth

Janelle Naff

Jim Higuera  (Yojimbo)

Crissy Lesaar (Mighty Viking Goddess) 

Will Meyer (Have Quag)

Beth Miles 

Tiffany Antone 

Chelsea Miller (Zanahoria)

Cindy Newton (The Arcane Cyn)

Justin Pressnall (Mr. Happypants)
    In Brightest Day, In Darkest Night

Leiba Schuneman (Hi-Keeba Leiba!)

Leia Stewart (Mouse)

Micah Stringfield (Old School)

Jamie Thomason

Adara Frankel

Zack Johnson (Zurd) 
    The Asymmetric Gazette

Mike Schmidt (Mikey)
    The Ha-Hacienda

Melissa Hayes

Rachel Horwitz

Charlie Buttermann (El Hombre de Mantequilla)

Justus Humphrey

Allison Niece (Al!  Little buddy!)

Matt Henry

Ann Marie Henry

Tom and Deborah Nite  (The Responsible Party)

Evelyn Nite (Kiddo) 


And, of course, I'm far from perfect.  If I'm missing some names here, my most heartfelt apologies.  Let me know by e-mail and I'll add you back in.

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