In the interest of promoting the free exchange of ideas (okay, in the interest of blatant self-promotion), this page will feature a different original work of short fiction each unspecified period of time between updates. As I have a very limited store of my own stories and poems, I fervently hope creative browsers will submit their own works to be published on this page. To submit a work, just read and accept the following and follow the instructions:
All submitted work should include a date of creation, the author's name, and an address/e-mail address. To submit work by e-mail, attach the file to a message as either a .txt file or a Word Perfect document, or include the work in the body of the message to cut and paste and e-mail it to [email protected]. To submit work by snail-mail, e-mail me for my address.
Of course, you're probably here just to read, so let's
get down to business, shall we? This week's selection is: Dreams and Ghosts and Cats, a new piece by Joshua
T. Nite